Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan 8-13 Update

Jan 8th - Ryan covered for Adrian to speak at a conference in Soroti as Adrian wasn't feeling well. Adrian recovered later and stayed in Soroti with Noah as planned. The rest of the team traveled north to Gulu.

Jan 9th - Rodney and Adrian preached in different Sunday services. The team of 6 connected with the local pastor, named Jacob. This was the first time a Lifespring team has met pastor Jacob. In previous trips, it was pastor Bruce's Vancouver team who was in Gulu. Sherene fell sick and recovered quickly.

Jan 9th - Adrian and Noah spoke at the Conference in Soroti. The other team traveled to an IDP camp (internal displacement camp) in Pabo within the Gulu region. There were approx. 20,000 people at the refugee camp, as opposed to 60,000 just a few years back. Rodney, Denise and Ryan spoke on intimacy, forgiveness and identity. David and Sherene shared their testimonies. The conference went really well.

Jan 11th, 12th - Adrian and Noah met the other 6 in Gulu and met with the pastors. The full team traveled to and enjoyed a 2 day Safari at Murchison Fall. The team saw giraffes, elephants and lions at a close distance as they crossed before their vehicle. The elephants yelled (rather, trumpeted) at the team because the vehicle was too close to the animals. A dozen of giraffe stood by the gate to say their farewells as the team departed from the safari lodge.

Jan 13th - 5 hrs of travel back to Kampala. Theresa was sick but recovering now. The team visited THE Chinese restaurant near Kampala for some Ugandas Chinese food.

Tentatively on Jan 14th & 15 th- Adrian to speak at Kajansi. Denise, David and Theresa to visit and speak a rehab centre. Rodney, Ryan, Sherene and Noah to speak at the Mpigi conference where they will work with leaders and youths. The youths at Mpigi are having a revival meeting and joining the adults for part of the day.

Tentatively on Jan 16th- The team to break up into 3 teams for Sunday services. Denise, Sherene and Rodney will be preaching. David and Sherene will be catching their flights afterward.

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