Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jan 14- 21st - Mbarara

Happening on Jan 23rd - Adrian, Rodney, Ryan, Theresa and Denise to fly back. They will land on the 24th. Noah to stay in Uganda for another couple months.

Happening on Jan 22nd - Celebration at Andrew's wedding!! (Andrew is an Ugandan who met the Lifespring Mbarara team back in Nov. 2008). Rodney will have the honour to be the bestman at the wedding.

Jan 21st - Last day of the Mbarara conference...

Jan 19 - 20th - Lots of revival happening in Mbarara, especially in the youths. The team is talking about fathering and father's heart. Rodney: "Today's ministry was good too. Yesterday we did the prophetic workshop and people got a lot out of it. We heard some of the testimonies today of how a person learned to release their unforgiveness through God speaking to them and how one of them got a word that was exactly the same as a dream that they received recently. God is good!!! Today's ministry was also very powerful. Den talked about the orphan spirit, and sons versus orphans and the spirit of God was so heavy in that place. People were crying and getting touched by God. Ry then spoke on false identity and transparency. It was good. I spent the day with Andrew running errands for his wedding"

Jan 18th : Sherene and David returned to Canada while the rest of the team continues their journey to travel to the Mbarara region.

Jan 17th: Meetings in Kampala and Kajansi with the pastors.

Jan 16th: The team split in 3 again and spoke at 3 different Sunday services in in Kampala DC, Mipigi and Kajansi. In Mpigi, Rod spoke on Father's heart and physcial healing followed afterward. (No updates from Kampala, Kajansi at the moment)

Jan 14- 15th: Team split into 3: Mipigi (Ryan, Rod, Noah, Sherene), Kajansi (Adrian), Tororo (Denise, Theresa, David).
At Mipigi, Ryan talked about identity and Rodney shared about his testimony. They had testimonies afterwards on what the pastors learned and it seemed like they all got something from it. (No updates from Kajansi and Tororo at the moment)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mbarara Conference

We just finished the Mbarara conference. Praise God! Many people were
touched. The conference ended with fathers being commissioned to go
father the next generation and be reconciled with their sons. We are
now relaxing, having an afternoon off for the first time in 3 weeks.
Going home in two days.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan 8-13 Update

Jan 8th - Ryan covered for Adrian to speak at a conference in Soroti as Adrian wasn't feeling well. Adrian recovered later and stayed in Soroti with Noah as planned. The rest of the team traveled north to Gulu.

Jan 9th - Rodney and Adrian preached in different Sunday services. The team of 6 connected with the local pastor, named Jacob. This was the first time a Lifespring team has met pastor Jacob. In previous trips, it was pastor Bruce's Vancouver team who was in Gulu. Sherene fell sick and recovered quickly.

Jan 9th - Adrian and Noah spoke at the Conference in Soroti. The other team traveled to an IDP camp (internal displacement camp) in Pabo within the Gulu region. There were approx. 20,000 people at the refugee camp, as opposed to 60,000 just a few years back. Rodney, Denise and Ryan spoke on intimacy, forgiveness and identity. David and Sherene shared their testimonies. The conference went really well.

Jan 11th, 12th - Adrian and Noah met the other 6 in Gulu and met with the pastors. The full team traveled to and enjoyed a 2 day Safari at Murchison Fall. The team saw giraffes, elephants and lions at a close distance as they crossed before their vehicle. The elephants yelled (rather, trumpeted) at the team because the vehicle was too close to the animals. A dozen of giraffe stood by the gate to say their farewells as the team departed from the safari lodge.

Jan 13th - 5 hrs of travel back to Kampala. Theresa was sick but recovering now. The team visited THE Chinese restaurant near Kampala for some Ugandas Chinese food.

Tentatively on Jan 14th & 15 th- Adrian to speak at Kajansi. Denise, David and Theresa to visit and speak a rehab centre. Rodney, Ryan, Sherene and Noah to speak at the Mpigi conference where they will work with leaders and youths. The youths at Mpigi are having a revival meeting and joining the adults for part of the day.

Tentatively on Jan 16th- The team to break up into 3 teams for Sunday services. Denise, Sherene and Rodney will be preaching. David and Sherene will be catching their flights afterward.

Jan 5-7 Update

Jan 5th - Visited Amacet Orphanage and played with the children there. At night, the team connected and ate dinner with the Regional pastor Job and hi assistant, Japheth.

Jan 6th - The team visited Ajaku, a village in the Soroti region (not a displacement camp as stated in the earlier email :S). David and Denise spoke on Identity and the two messages flowed together beautifully. Adrian also preached afterwards.

Jan 7th - The entire team traveled to Kumi village within Soroti. According to Rodney, "Sherene and Ryan were awesome" when they preached. During the day, they also played with 270 Compassion International children.

Tentative Plans for Jan 8th - Adrian and Noah to stay behind in Soroti for 3 days to do a Leaders conference. The rest of the team will travel to the Gulu region (2 - 3 hrs drive north). There might be a change in the teams depending on Adrian's condition. Ryan might stay behind in Soroti if needed.

** Pray Items** - Pls pray for Adrian as he is sick. Also Rodney is still recovering from his cough.

Jan 6th

So far for Jan 6th:
The team is heading to Ajuku,to visit a internally displacement camp in Soroti region. David and Denise will be speaking. Theresa and Sherene will be playing with the kids. To be continued....

Jan 3rd & 4th - Jinja & Tororo

Jan 3rd - Jinja: The team arrived 5 hrs late in Jinja because the car broke down. They had dinner with the local pastors and shared our vision with them. The lead pastor who oversees the region offered the use of his church facilities for the future ministry school.

Jan 4th - Tororo: The team arrived around noon and were given a gigantic lunch, where every one tried to push food onto each other's plate. Then the team spoke at a couple of churches. Adrian spoke on healing and many were healed of headaches, stomach pain, back pains and even poor vision. The ladies spoke at a HIV center (i think?) to female caregivers. David and Ryan visited a family with HIV and prayed for them. A long and eventful day for all. The team will arrive at Soroti the next day to visit the orphanage where Adrian and the team visited on their last trip.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We are in jinja. About to leave for tororo. Everyone is doing well. Our van overheated yesterday but all is good now. Gotta go!