Friday, December 16, 2011

Uganda awareness day pictures

Thanks to everyone who helped out and to everyone who stopped by. 

Kitchen volunteers

Mbarara booth

Kitchen prep

Serving hors d'oeuvres

More hors d'oeuvres

More servers and food

Uganda currency

Mbarara booth hostess

Seminar speaker

Rubongi booth hosts


Culture booth hostesses

Blessings booth

Chocolate fountain

Pastor Alvin sharing about Mbarara

Herman Lam (right), event master

Friday, December 9, 2011

Uganda 2012 Meet the team: Herman Lam

Name: Herman Lam
Occupation: Engineer in training
# of trips to Uganda: 0 (First Time!!)
Why I'm going to Uganda:
God's been stretching me over the past couple of years, in my own character and in the capacity to love and bless others.  Uganda's the next big stretch, eye-opener and heart-opener to God's heart and his love for the nations.  It will be a trip to share, love on and to overflow all that God's taught, and blessed me with over these past couple of years, that being the Father's Heart and what it means to be His son.

If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Freeze Time.. then I could sleep more and not lose time doing it!