Happening on Jan 23rd - Adrian, Rodney, Ryan, Theresa and Denise to fly back. They will land on the 24th. Noah to stay in Uganda for another couple months.
Happening on Jan 22nd - Celebration at Andrew's wedding!! (Andrew is an Ugandan who met the Lifespring Mbarara team back in Nov. 2008). Rodney will have the honour to be the bestman at the wedding.
Jan 21st - Last day of the Mbarara conference...
Jan 19 - 20th - Lots of revival happening in Mbarara, especially in the youths. The team is talking about fathering and father's heart. Rodney: "Today's ministry was good too. Yesterday we did the prophetic workshop and people got a lot out of it. We heard some of the testimonies today of how a person learned to release their unforgiveness through God speaking to them and how one of them got a word that was exactly the same as a dream that they received recently. God is good!!! Today's ministry was also very powerful. Den talked about the orphan spirit, and sons versus orphans and the spirit of God was so heavy in that place. People were crying and getting touched by God. Ry then spoke on false identity and transparency. It was good. I spent the day with Andrew running errands for his wedding"
Jan 18th : Sherene and David returned to Canada while the rest of the team continues their journey to travel to the Mbarara region.
Jan 17th: Meetings in Kampala and Kajansi with the pastors.
Jan 16th: The team split in 3 again and spoke at 3 different Sunday services in in Kampala DC, Mipigi and Kajansi. In Mpigi, Rod spoke on Father's heart and physcial healing followed afterward. (No updates from Kampala, Kajansi at the moment)
Jan 14- 15th: Team split into 3: Mipigi (Ryan, Rod, Noah, Sherene), Kajansi (Adrian), Tororo (Denise, Theresa, David).
At Mipigi, Ryan talked about identity and Rodney shared about his testimony. They had testimonies afterwards on what the pastors learned and it seemed like they all got something from it. (No updates from Kajansi and Tororo at the moment)